Journey With Christ
Weekly Faith Journey
Week 4
Journey With Christ

Temples of The Holy Spirit

1 Corinthians 6:19 (CEV)

You surely know that your body is a temple where the Holy Spirit lives. The Spirit is in you and is a gift from God. You are no longer your own.

We must not let busyness define our worth or identity.

If your life has been all about meeting deadlines and rushing around, refocus on who you are and what you are meant to be in Christ. You have not been made to merely perform a function; you are most wonderfully made to reflect God's attributes and glory in everything you do. This is why God gives us His Spirit, so we can have the confidence and courage to live our lives intentionally for His glory.

Don’t think for a moment that the Holy Spirit only works within the four walls of the church. On the day of Pentecost and after, God put His Spirit into every believer so that they can carry His presence and power into the marketplace, the surrounding neighborhoods, and the wider communities. That is because the Spirit of God is the Spirit of mission, and, since He lives in us, we are all missionaries. The more we walk with Him, the more missional and more engaged we are in building and reaching lives.

The Apostle Paul describes us as “temples of the Holy Spirit.” If we truly see ourselves this way, there is no telling what might happen. While a fortress keeps people out—we, as “mobile churches of God,” through the Spirit, are anointed to draw people in. Let us be so filled with the good news that people want it for themselves.

God has placed you in your workplace for a purpose.

Look for opportunities to incorporate your faith at work. You don't have to be weird about it. Just keep showing love and patience to everyone around you. Pray and trust God to lead you into conversations with those who are ready to hear about Jesus and His amazing love for them.

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Week 3
Journey With Christ

Christ Formed in You

Galatians 4:19 (ESV)

My dear children, for whom I am again in the pains of childbirth until Christ is formed in you.

Too many individuals struggle to discern God's will for their lives. Instead of embracing God's will as an invitation to know and love Him, we have reduced it to a task to complete for Him. God's will is focused on our relationship with Him rather than a specific destination or job. If you study the Scriptures, you will notice that God is more concerned with refining who we are than with determining our future steps.

The emphasis of God's will, according to the Apostle Paul, is to make Christ known to you so that Christ may be formed within you (see Colossians 1:27). You will reflect Christ in your words, actions, and attitude as the truth of Christ's presence and power within you shapes and transforms your heart and purpose.

Imagine for a moment that we are like a cup of hot water, and Christ is like a tea bag infused inside of us. The longer the tea bag steeps in the cup, the stronger it gets. It is the same for us. The more we allow Christ to transform us, the more we experience His grace and ability to change the lives of those around us.

Paul portrays himself as both a mother in labor and a midwife. He grieves for the Galatians because they chose a legalistic lifestyle and lost sight of their new life in Christ. They were stunting their spiritual growth and maturity by adhering to a dead faith. This was due to their reliance on their spiritual achievements rather than Christ's atoning sacrifice for their salvation.

The actions of the Galatians reflect an unresolved insecurity in the gospel. Insecurity, in its way, is a source of pride. This is because it reflects a belief in one's self-righteousness while rejecting God's righteousness as revealed through Christ.


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Week 2
Journey With Christ

The Intimacy of Prayer

Ephesians 3:20 (TPT)

Never doubt God’s mighty power to work in you and accomplish all this. He will achieve infinitely more than your greatest request, your most unbelievable dream, and exceed your wildest imagination! He will outdo them all, for his miraculous power constantly energizes you.

God has the ability to surpass even our highest expectations.

Even in the most trying moments, God will not forget or forsake us. Our circumstances cannot keep God from doing everything for our good and His glory.

If we believe that God has our best interests at heart, then prayer is about joining Him in what He is already doing. Rather than saying, "God, why are you doing this to me?" we should ask, "God, what are you trying to show me?" In other words, prayer allows us to see what we did not or could not perceive previously.

Prayer brings you closer to God and deepens your intimacy with Him.

When you truly know and love God, it becomes easier to hear and obey the voice of His Spirit. Once you are ready to fulfill what He wants of you, you will experience the grace and faith within you to do anything He asks.

If we have any difficulties in prayer, we must recognize that it is more likely a love problem than a faith problem. It all comes down to not believing how much God accepts and loves us. Without this crucial revelation, we will lack the boldness and discernment to pray as we should.

Instead of feeling inadequate about your prayer life, fill your heart with the reality of God's empowering love. You will then experience a new beginning with God and find rest for your soul. Knowing how much He loves us is enough to carry you through your darkest times and smile through some of your hardest tears.

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Week 1
Journey With Christ

One Heart and Mind

Acts 4:32 (NKJV)

All the believers were of one heart and mind.

Community does not start with adopting a set of doctrines, beliefs, or certain church practices. Rather, community begins with being loved and embraced by the community of the Trinity. Our encounter with the Triune God (the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit) defines and fuels how we build and sustain relationships.

We are united in and through the Trinity. We don't have to create unity—it is already a reality. We just need to manifest it in our life together. Then solidarity, forgiveness, and true harmony become incredible possibilities and opportunities for our church community to experience together.

The early church lived and moved in one accord. In the Acts of the Apostles, the term "one accord" appears many times. In each occurrence, the Greek word "homothumadon" is used, and it simply means "with one mind, one objective, and one passion."

God desires that we become one, just as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are one. If we cannot be one with one another, it is not a "fact problem," but a "faith problem" on our part. We are one family with one Father God in Christ, and the Holy Spirit guides us in walking together so that we can be God's living expression of Himself on earth.

Our perception of God affects what we are and do in His name. In other words, the strength of our relationship with Him determines the health of our church community. Having experienced the perfect love of the Trinity, we seek progression, not perfection, in how we welcome and receive people. If we truly believe and live the gospel, we will show the same extraordinary grace, favor, and blessings to one another and others who have yet to be part of our community.

Continue to believe and practice the truth we have in Christ, and we shall see His grace at work in our midst

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Week 52
Journey With Christ

A Trinitarian Community of Love

Matthew 28:19 (NKJV)

Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

The church is the living and active work of the Father, Son, and Spirit.

As a community of believers, we have been reconciled to God through Christ, and the Holy Spirit now dwells within us, bearing witness to the truth. Even before the universe was created, the triune God had our reconciliation on His mind and heart, for God's ultimate and eternal goal is for all outsiders to become insiders.

Each member of the Trinity contributes to the transformation of people who were not previously people of God into a community full of new life and love. This is why the gospel is called the gospel of peace because it fosters a reconciling peace between God and us.

Each of us is invited to dance in community and communion with God and one another. We are fully connected in perichoresis, actively moving around a divine circle dance of love in which we experience the healing rhythms of oneness, openness, and fullness. This harmonious working of the Trinity's love in and around us will increasingly shape our church community into the image and likeness of the perfect community which exists within the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Bear in mind, that the church is a gift of love from the Father to the Son, the Holy Spirit is a gift of love from the Son to His church, and finally, the church is a gift of love from the Triune God to the world. The gracious practice of giving and receiving love is crucial for our spiritual health, stability, and well-being. As we continue to learn to love and serve one another with God's love, we, like Christ, become living expressions of God's love and life for the lost, broken, and vulnerable.

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Week 51
Journey With Christ

The Trinity and Mission

Ephesians 2:22 (ESV)

In Christ, you also are being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit.

The Trinity establishes the framework for our mission to the world. 

God the Father predestines everyone for salvation before the beginning of the world, and the Son purchases our salvation through His redeeming work on the cross, and the Holy Spirit preserves our salvation by abiding in us as our assurance that God will complete His salvific work in us. 

It is through our union with Christ that the eternal Father fits and builds us together into a spiritual dwelling place for Him to move and act in and through us. Thus, the church is more than just a physical structure, a certain denomination, or a hierarchical religious organisation. Rather, it is the whole people of God participating in the whole work of God. 

The whole work of God is to believe in Jesus alone for salvation (John 6:29), and we are all called and chosen in Christ to go and share this good news with all people from all nations. In other words, the church as a people of God is never static or status quo, but rather a movement in which we participate with God in the ministry of reconciliation through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Our missional call is to reveal the nature and character of God’s perfect love.  

Our oneness and union with the Godhead in the eternal circle of the dance of love enable us to express and share the truth of that overflowing love to others in various ways. Because we have all the love of the Trinity inside us, we may trust God to nourish and sustain us as we join Him in His mission to the world.

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Week 50
Journey With Christ

Do Everything in Jesus’ Name

Colossians 3:17 (ESV)

Whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus.

Many Christians feel stuck in their jobs. Maybe it's their job or the people around them. In any situation, it is impossible to appreciate or find purpose in your work. Instead of wallowing in self-pity or simply getting through the day, choose to see things through the lens of the gospel.

Our approach at work is to do everything in the name of the Lord.

It is crucial to remember that God created work to glorify Him and advance the gospel. Even if you loathe your job, you must learn to view it as a gift from God. Why? The Apostle Paul wrote to slaves, "Whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus." His instruction to them may also apply to ourselves. Work as if we were working for God. 

Let your work be an act of worship to God.

It is completely normal to only sometimes appreciate what you are doing. After all, everyone has had good and bad days at work. Our ultimate job happiness should stem from "who we are in Christ" rather than "what we do." If our identity is determined by our career or job title, satisfaction, and fulfillment are transitory.

It is perfectly acceptable not to enjoy what you are doing all the time. After all, we have all had good and bad days at work. Our ultimate sense of job satisfaction should come from "who we are in Christ" rather than "what we do." If our identity is defined by our career or job title, then contentment or fulfillment is fleeting.

If your job has reached a point where you no longer enjoy it, pray to God and Him to help you figure out why you are unhappy and what you can do about it. He will give you the insight and wisdom to deal with your situation. In some circumstances, the work environment is so toxic and unprofessional that leaving is the best option. Whatever you decide, make sure to remember and honour God.

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Week 49
Journey With Christ

Turning the World Upside Down

Acts 17:6 (NTE)

These are the people who are turning the world upside down! they yelled. Now they’ve come here!

Our encounter with the perfect community of the Trinity allows us to move purposefully in the right direction, joining God and partnering with Him in His mission to a lost and broken world.

Consider the apostles. They often change directions after seeing and sensing God guiding them to new places and out of their comfort zone. God enables them to be both disruptive and effective because they are willing to go and spread the good news.

How disruptive and effective were they?

The apostles were really turning the world upside down.

They go around announcing the kingdom, curing the sick, casting out demons, and performing all kinds of miracles. Regardless of their good works, they were rejected and persecuted. Rather than allowing setbacks to impede their progress, they increase their level of involvement. As a result, everywhere they went, people and cities enjoyed a new level of normalcy never known before. 

God works with us when we let God work through us. 

How eager are you to go the distance with God and accomplish extraordinary things for Him? If you are willing, go beyond what is familiar and venture into the new and undiscovered paths of the Kingdom. 

The Apostle Paul would never have mixed with Gentiles, lived with them, or eaten their food if it had not been for and because of the gospel. Similarly, if the gospel we now believe in does not inspire us to love the unlovable, the difficult, and the different, we must question whether it is the true gospel we first heard. 

The gospel we proclaim will have no greater impact on others than it has on us. This principle is derived from Paul's word, "You are to imitate me, just as I imitate Christ." (1 Corinthians 4:16) Imitate Christ by doing what He would do. This obedience flows from His true love towards us and our genuine relationship with Him.

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Week 48
Journey With Christ

Discerning Your Vocation

Luke 10:2 (NRSV)

The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore, ask the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.

Being a church is not about accumulating or fearing losing members. It is about equipping and releasing disciples who make disciples. 

If we are not following Christ’s call to reach the lost through His gospel, then our problem isn’t just obedience, but also love. We learn to love Jesus from the love that He has for us. And one way of loving Jesus is to listen to Him and do what He says. 

Are you praying the prayer Jesus commanded?

The shortage of disciples who make disciples is the fruit of a deeper spiritual problem. Many churchgoers are becoming "consumers" rather than "contributors." As a result, many churches entertain their members rather than equipping them to fulfill their calling.

Together, we can stop this vicious cycle by encouraging each other to discern the vocation God has in mind for us. Vocation is derived from the Latin word "vocare," which means "to call." Christ summons or invites us to a certain sphere of influence where we can share Him with others and lead them into a love relationship with Him. 

Set your alarm to 10:02 a.m. or 10:02 p.m. (based on Luke 10:2) to ask the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers of righteousness, including you into His harvest. 
Walking in your calling as a child of God and pursuing your vocation where God has placed you is a life worth living. Our Lord is leading you to places where others can’t go or do things they can’t do. He has placed you in a position where your abilities and passions can have an eternal impact on someone's life.

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