The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore, ask the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.
Luke 10:2 (NRSV)
Being a church is not about accumulating or fearing losing members. It is about equipping and releasing disciples who make disciples.
If we are not following Christ’s call to reach the lost through His gospel, then our problem isn’t just obedience, but also love. We learn to love Jesus from the love that He has for us. And one way of loving Jesus is to listen to Him and do what He says.
Are you praying the prayer Jesus commanded?
The shortage of disciples who make disciples is the fruit of a deeper spiritual problem. Many churchgoers are becoming "consumers" rather than "contributors." As a result, many churches entertain their members rather than equipping them to fulfill their calling.
Together, we can stop this vicious cycle by encouraging each other to discern the vocation God has in mind for us. Vocation is derived from the Latin word "vocare," which means "to call." Christ summons or invites us to a certain sphere of influence where we can share Him with others and lead them into a love relationship with Him.
Set your alarm to 10:02 a.m. or 10:02 p.m. (based on Luke 10:2) to ask the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers of righteousness, including you into His harvest.
Walking in your calling as a child of God and pursuing your vocation where God has placed you is a life worth living. Our Lord is leading you to places where others can’t go or do things they can’t do. He has placed you in a position where your abilities and passions can have an eternal impact on someone's life.