Journey With Christ
Glorying in the Cross
458 0 16 17
Question description

After reading Galatians 6:14 (NLT), I wonder what was on Apostle Paul's mind when he wrote this passage, particularly his strong statement of not taking pride in his work as the most accomplished apostle, but only in the Cross. Could it be because of his lifestyle and demeanor before meeting our Lord Jesus Christ on the road to Damascus (Acts 9), when he was persecuting Christians?

In my business environment, it is crucial to highlight my achievements, as this is how people recognize my contributions to the company's progress. Considering Paul's perspective, could you share some insights on how to publicly celebrate successes in a way that credits the Lord Jesus Christ without offending anyone, especially non-believers?

Answer description

The context of (Galatians 6:14) is fascinating but slightly different from your thoughts on the verse. The entire book of Galatians is a battle against legalism, particularly the Judaizers. And when Paul finally gets to the conclusion of his letter, (v 11-18) he believes what he says is so important that he takes the pen in his hand and writes himself, which he rarely did.

The Judaizers have been boasting about their conversion numbers. They are bragging about how many Gentile Christians they have convinced to become circumcised. They were trying to lure Paul into a competition to convert numbers. He responds that he could play their game. After all, he had been used to lead many many to faith in Christ. But he refuses to brag as they have been doing. Paul will not boast about what it is that God is accomplishing. He says he will boast in only one thing, the Cross of Christ. For that is the only thing that changes lives. Circumcising men does not change them, but faith in Christ does. And Paul knows he can take no credit for the work that Christ has done. So Paul concludes (v 17) by telling the Jewish leaders to leave him alone. He will not compromise his faith to agree with them and he has the marks of persecution on his body to prove it.

So how can we apply this example in answering your question? I cannot relate to the job situation you described. Thus, I do not want to seem disrespectful. But to my knowledge, there are no examples in the Bible which encourage self-promotion. In this day of social media and selfies, making yourself look good has become a mindset for life. However, Scripture points us in exactly the opposite direction, toward humility. (Luke 18:14) (James 4:10) (I Peter 5:6) are all very clear verses declaring God's will. And to take this thinking further we need only look back to the Apostle Paul.

In his ongoing conflict with the Judaizers, he had every right to point out all the glorious deeds he had done for the Lord. No person of that time was more worthy than Paul. But, he refused to do so. Choosing instead, to point everyone toward Christ. For He is the only one who is worthy. Should we not do the same?

So is there any situation where we should boast about ourselves? Not according to the God's Word. And it is our road map for life. Seek the Lord for His means of gaining acceptance in life situations. God has a way for everything. But exalting yourself, in any circumstance, is not an action the Almighty can bless.

Scripture references
  • Chapter:
  • Verse:
  • Bible version:
    New International Version (NIV)
  • Chapter:
  • Verse:
  • Bible version:
    New International Version (NIV)
 1 Peter
  • Chapter:
  • Verse:
  • Bible version:
    New International Version (NIV)
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