Is there such thing as a gift of singleness as in 1 Corinthians 7 : 7: "I wish that all of you were as I am. But each of you has your own gift from God; one has this gift, another has that." Or I am mistaken that Paul is mentioning other gifts like spiritual gifts, e.g.
Also, Paul mentions in verse 8: " Now to the unmarried and the widows I say: It is good for them to stay unmarried, as I do".
I know it can be a personal choice as God won't force us to do things. It also depends on how close we are walking with God and how clearly we can hear His voice, but how do we know we are called to remain single like Paul? Aside from receiving the words from God, are there any visible signs that He uses in our life?
This was a difficult question for me to respond to. The Word gives very little evidence for an answer other than commending those who are celibate. I have tried to reference as many sources as I can, and I will try to share those findings.
The consensus among the Biblical scholars is that celibacy is slightly different than the "gifts of the Spirit" (Is 11:1-3)(Rom 12:4-8)(I Cor 12:4-11)(I Cor 12:27-30), since it is not included in any of these lists. The general thinking is that celibacy is more of a calling or desire, than an actual gift, though that is certainly open for debate.
Celibacy encompasses two categories, sexual and marital. A born-again Christian is offered only two options concerning sex, either being married or being completely sexually abstinent. Anything else would be immorality and contrary to God's law. Being married or not is more of a choice. One could choose not to marry for spiritual reasons or never find that one "right" mate, but abstinence would be required. However if one does marry, God would seem to expect that sex would be a part of a healthy marriage. So the result of these possibilities would be that singleness requires celibacy until marriage may occur.
If we explore God's plan carefully, we see that all of us are called to singleness and celibacy in the early years of our lives. In those formative years, one sorts out if they are called toward marriage or to the seemingly higher direction of remaining single to give undivided devotion to God. How can we discern this calling? That is difficult to answer because God speaks differently and individually to each of His children. But what we do know is that every Christian's heart belongs to God and thus is moved by Him. Part of the sanctification process is learning how and when the Spirit is speaking truth and guidance into our hearts and minds. So if one was called to celibacy then it seems certain that the Holy Spirit would make that way clear to that person. Consequently, we need to always walk closely with our Lord to be sensitive to the leading that He intends for our lives.
I don't think that is the clear advice you were hoping to receive, but who can know the ways of the Lord? (Rom 11:33-34) If you are sensing a possible calling from the Lord toward singleness and celibacy, I would spend great amounts of time in prayer and quietness before Him to find clear direction for your future steps. You can trust God will not lead you astray or on a false path, because He is truth.
I hope something God has given me to share here will be helpful to you. God Bless.
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