On the Road to Emmaus in Luke 24:13-35, it is understood that two men are contemplating and discussing the event of Jesus's death. Apart from them, screaming (thinking Jesus is a ghost) or frozen from the fear of seeing Jesus, why were they "kept from recognizing Jesus" until he finished explaining what was said and written about Him from the time of Moses and all the Prophets?
In reading and researching the "Road to Emmaus", I found that this is intended to be guidance to us about how God works in our lives. I find three particular areas of wisdom that the Lord intends for us to learn. So I will address each in my answer.
1) Why were these men chosen ? - If we look at Scripture we see that two women were the first to see the risen Christ (Matt 28:9-10). Then these two men ( Cleopas & his friend) were the second ones given opportunity to see the Lord. What can we learn from this ? First, women were regarded very lowly in this society and then these men were only common people. None of these were important individuals in the culture. And yet, God choose these very ordinary people for this unique blessing of seeing the risen Lord, God is showing us that Jesus and salvation are available to everyone. The important people of the time, the disciples and Jewish leaders were not allowed to see Christ until days later. So this tells us we are all important in God's eyes, no matter how lowly we are.
2) What was God's purpose in joining the men on the walk to Emmaus ? As we read in your passage (Luke 24:13-35) this instance is probably 2 or 3 days after the resurrection. But these men were still confused and discouraged by what had happened. However, Jesus, after a slight rebuke (verse 24), proceeds to take them into Scripture to show them the how and why of what had happened. The promises of this event had been made hundreds of years before. And with this, understanding came into their minds. So, for us, this is an important lesson of what we should do when grief or tradegy or discouragement is plaguing us. Go to the Word. The answers to your problems are there in the form of promises given by God himslef. The longer we remain in our dark place, the further we drift from the needed comfort the Lord has for us in His Word. So this should be our first option rather than something we go to as a last resort.
3) Why did Jesus not reveal Himself sooner ? Their eyes were finally opened to the Lord's presence when they sat comfortably at a table. Relaxed and stress free. For us, this is a lesson in the understanding that God is always with us, but we aren't always aware until we have found peace by placing our burdens on Him. When we realize how His grace has been caring for us our eyes are opened even more to His amazing ways. So again, the benefit of taking our burdens to the Lord and then seeing how His grace is working everything out for good.
I hope this has been helpful for you. I was blessed myself as I learned the deeper meanings of this simple story. May God bless you.
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