Prophet Daniel made a habit of praying three times a day. In my reasoning, this seems to be like an instruction that Daniel must fulfill each day, however, some leaders claimed that Prophet Daniel's habit is based on his relationship with God.
Thank you for your answer in advance
Thank you for your question. You are correct that (Dan 6:10) clearly states that the Prophet Daniel prayed three times daily. We also find in (Ps 55:16-17) King David speaks of praying "evening and morning and at noon". In the New Testament, we can find various scriptures that tell us that Peter prayed three different times during the day. However, if you use this same "various scripture method we learn that our Lord Jesus prayed five different times during some days. But the fact is that no place in the Levitical Law instructs how many times or how long one should pray in a day.
The most relevant instruction comes in the New Testament, (I Thes 5:16-18) & (Rom 12:12) where Paul tells us to "pray without ceasing" and to "be in constant prayer". Thus I believe that your second supposition would be correct. We should pray when time allows and when the Spirit prompts us to do so. The evidence in The Word is that most of the individuals were called to pray alone in the mornings. But that does not mean that this should be the only opportunity that should be taken. So, yes, you should allow the Holy Spirit to guide you about when and where you would spend your time privately in prayer. God has a different plan and a different means of affecting each of our lives, so it seems very probable that intimate time with Him could come at different or multiple times as well.
You ask about prayer habits you might establish in your relationship with the Lord. I will suggest one practice I do outside my normal devotion time that has been very significant in my life. Every morning I begin my day with a time of quiet before the Lord. The very first thing I do is roll out and kneel beside my bed. And I just spend 15 or 20 minutes in quiet. Sometimes I say a few words to the Lord to maybe ask a question, but mostly I just mentally picture myself going into the throne room of God and sitting with Him. And in that time of true intimacy, I search the thoughts that come into my mind and receive guidance, wisdom, and direction that He gives me for the day ahead. This is such a refreshing and encouraging time for me. And prepares me to face the challenges of the day. Later I will spend prayer time of praise and supplication during my devotion time, but those first few moments of the day are for the Lord to speak to me. I treasure those times more than all others.
So perhaps this is something that could help you as well. But I caution you not to be in a hurry. God works in His way and in His time. Be patient !! I hope you will find something in my answer that will help.
God bless you.
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I understand. The enemy will do whatever he can to disrupt our fellowship with the Lord. I always just test my my thoughts to see if I am being covered by peace which can only come from the Almighty. If there is that intimacy in which I am resting mentally, then I feel I can trust the thoughts and images that are coming into my mind as being from the Lord. It takes practice, learning to shut out the world so that your time of quiet is consistently in God's presence. Don't give up or allow yourself to become distracted..
Thank you for your advice and encouragement.
Thank you, Ron, for your answer. I took your advice and started praying very early in the morning and I can say that it has been an enormous blessing for me. I feel like my mind is fresh and I am able to receive from the Lord. However, sometimes I am filled with so many thoughts. I am unsure if they're from the Lord or the devil is just trying to prevent me from focusing on my conversation with the Lord. Though they are pure, but often lead to distraction.
Could you advise on how to handle such?