Journey With Christ
How can an unbendingly holy God not see sin in me?
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Question description

I heard it preached and talked about how all believers are redeemed from the curse through the Blood of Jesus Christ, So I am wondering whether a "Christian can fall back under the curse". 

Answer description

There are really two questions here. The question on the site, "How can an unbendingly holy God not see sin in me ?" And the question you ask in your description, "Can a Christian fall back under the curse?" They really cover different topics. However, I answered another question on this site, "How can simply believing in Jesus make me righteous ?" I urge you to go back and read my answer to that question, because the answers to both of your questions are included there. Check it out. But I will briefly address your inquiries here as well.

In answer to the "unbendingly holy God', we must realize He is also an "unbendingly loving God". And because of His love He provides a way for us to be "righteous & holy" just as He is. It is called "The Great Exchange". At the moment of you or I or anyone else believing in Christ, all of our sins are transfered to our Savior and God does not see them any more. But also in that moment, Jesus's righteousness and holiness (because He is God) are tranferred to us. So when God looks down on us after that He sees us as completely holy & righteous and therefore acceptable in His eyes. Our sins were exchanged (traded) for His righteousness and holiness. Pretty amazing that God would love us that much.

In answer to the second question about falling back into the curse, there also is a definite answer. All Christians know that we can do nothing to earn our salvation. It is a gift of God.(Eph 2:8-9). So if we cannot earn our salvation, how could we do something that would take away our salvation ? The other part of this is that God is "immutable" which means unchanging. He cannot change. So if He gave us a gift (salvation) how could He then say, "I want my gift back" ? It can't happen. After salavtion we will all sin and make mistakes. But God does not see those sins now. They are laid on Jesus and we are righteous and holy to God. So He has no reason to take His gift of salvation back, even if He could.

It is difficult for us to understand all that God did for each of us, when all we have done is simply put our faith in Jesus. But it is the greatest step we will ever make and the gift we receive will last for all eternity.


Scripture references
  • Chapter:
  • Verse:
    8 - 9
  • Bible version:
    New King James Version (NKJV)
Supporting resources
  • Oyediran Wednesday-03-05-2023

    Thanks, bro. Ron. Your answer really blessed me. And thank you for asking me to check out your answer to "How can simply believing in Jesus make me righteous?". It answers what could have been my next question, which is "Can anything deprive me of my Salvation?" but now I got it all - nothing can take away my righteousness because it is a free gift from the Lord Jesus through his sacrificial death.

    He is also an "unbendingly loving God" and "The Great Exchange" in your answer really speak to me and increased my joy.

    Thank you


    • Ron Wednesday-03-05-2023

      I am blessed that the Lord could use me to help you.