Journey With Christ
Where Is This Secret Place?
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Question description

In Psalm 91 vs 1 says "He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty" 

I want to understand on a deeper level, so I keep meditating on this word.

  1. Where is this secret place described in this passage? Is it a physical place that I can run to when I feel overwhelmed by everything around me?
  2. Is it a physical place contextually or is it a representation of a spiritually abstracted place?
  3. Is it the same as the "City of Refuge" where someone who has unintentionally committed murder can go and not be subject to blood revenge (Deuteronomy 4:41–43, 19:1–13)? 
    1. If it is the same, perceptional, I think it doesn't resonate with me, because the "refuge city" is for murderers and I am not one.

I won't mind both physical and spiritual illustrations.

I appreciate your time

Answer description

Ps 91:1  "He who dwells in the shelter of the most high will abide in the shadow of the Almighty."  Though I have read this Psalm many times, I have never felt led to dwell or meditate on it as you have done. Thus, I had to do some serious reading and study before I felt at all qualified to give you an answer to your questions about it.

First. I can confidently tell you that it has nothing to do with refuge cities, as you had wondered. And as to the "secrert place", the answer changes. When this Psalm (author unknown) was written, the "secret place or shelter" of the Most High would have been the Temple in Jerusalem. Now the "Most High" would obviously be God. And God's dwelling place at that time in history would have been the Temple. Thus the people were urged to go there to commune or fellowship with Him and to abide (sit) in His shadow (closeness). But under the New Covenant the Temple no longer exists and yet, we know that all Scripture is meant to be applied to our lives in this generation as well. So how should we interpret this ? Well, our answer is in the fact that believers are now indwelt by God in our hearts and mind. Therefore the "secret place" is now within us. That is where we need to go to find the shelter and closeness that the Lord provides. I think this image of a quiet place can vary from person to person. For me, I imagine going into the Throne Room in heaven and just sitting quietly with the Lord. And there is ALWAYS peace and protection from whatever is bothering me or just the sense of contentment I need at that moment. I think each Christian has to find that secret place where they can come into the Lord's presence to fellowship with Him.

Ps 91 is called a wisdom psalm and it's message is about trust. But there is also a warning connected to this song. For satan quotes Ps 91:11-12 when he tempts Jesus in the wilderness. And Jesus's reply was "to not put the Lord your God to the test". Thus we must be careful to not try to take advantage of God's grace. The "dwelling & abiding" spoken of in verse one, indicate a close and consistent relationship with the Lord. So our responsibility would seem to be not to just try to seek out this "secret place" only when we are troubled or in need. But it is meant to be a place where we go just to enjoy God's presence and be blessed by His peace. Our God wants to spend as much time with us as is possible, for we honor Him when we do so.

Thank you for taking me down this path and I pray that your "secret place" will be an often visited shelter in your life.

Scripture references
  • Chapter:
  • Verse:
  • Bible version:
    New International Version (NIV)
  • Chapter:
  • Verse:
    11 - 12
  • Bible version:
    New International Version (NIV)
Supporting resources

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  • Oyediran Tuesday-09-05-2023

    What an interesting question and an insightful answer.

    The second part of the answer is quite interesting because as a Christian, I just recite Psalm 91 for protection, but never thought of the conversation between Satan and Jesus Christ. I suppose that part is a reminder for me as a Christian to keep a very close relationship with the Lord so that the devil can continue to stay clear of my dwelling and path.

    Thank you for this wonderful question and a very insightful answer.

  • David Sunday-04-06-2023

    Thanks for your answer. It is so insightful and educational.

    Your statement "...Thus we must be careful to not try to take advantage of God's grace" speaks to me, because many times I have taken the grace of God for granted - I mean, I totally depend on His grace, and because of that, I choose not to be careful sometimes or become complacent in my dealings and daily routine, forgetting that ("dwelling & abiding" spoken of in verse one, indicate a close and consistent relationship with the Lord).

    May God continue to keep us in His presence.

    Thank you.

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